Tuesday, March 1, 2011

reminiscing february.

February has come and gone. Time seems to be going by oh too quickly. Though I am glad spring time is neeeaaaar!

Here are a few snapshots of the month of love...
We celebrated Superbowl. At our house it is an official holiday due to the two football (Steelers) fanatics I live with :)

I did a bit of nannying. They can play in the pop-up tent for hours.
lovely cookies
all my single ladies (cept Kelc:)

There were days the Holy Spirit hit us in the library...

There were warm days...

There were cold days...

our Life Group threw Melissa a little surprise B-day party... Happy B-day Melissa!

I got to see my first hockey game!

needless to say, we were excited.

Eric had a surprise B-day party too! Happy B-day Eric!

annnnnnd Kelcey got ENGAGED!
February, it's been real. March, lets do this!

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