Wednesday, January 5, 2011

non-stop new year.

The month of December flew by. So much to do in so little time. Every second was exhausted. For New Years, me and a few friends made our way to Kansas City, MO for the onething IHOP conference. It was quite the adventure getting there, being there, and getting home- but I'm not going to go through all the ins and outs of that. Instead, I'll just show you a few pictures...
We saw a beautiful frosty sunrise in Illinios...

Saw the Arch in St. Louis...
snapped an awesome pic at the conference...

saw my good friend, Courtney...

had fun watching the sun set by a bridge...

let Eric do his daily exercises...
had a little photo shoot with one of my dearest friends...

Sonny and Sarah even came!...

we met Superman...

and also met Elvis in Nashville.

I am so thankful for all the fun I've had. 

I feel blessed to have gone to onething again this year. I had been praying for a way to go, and the Lord worked everything out- He is faithful... even about wanting to go to a conference. There is nothing too small for the love of God (Corrie Ten Boom...). 

The conference wasn't life changing or anything like that for me- but it was so, so, so refreshing. It was exactly what my heart needed. The reality of Jesus Christ as a man was a theme throughout the conference (at least to me). One song we sang, very simple, but so powerful brought me to tears, God, you became a man. You put on flesh. You're so beautiful. Wow. You read it but really just think about that for a few minutes. God. became a man. Jesus is so worthy. 

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Hebrews 4:15

It is so comforting to know that the God I serve knows what it's like to live here on the earth- to be human- subject to sin. Thank you, God.

I could go on and on and on. My heart is so full right now. Knowing where I was a year ago and where I am today is a testimony of the grace, mercy, and love of God in my life. He is so real to me and I love Him. I am excited about 2011 and I truly believe the Lord has some great things in store for my life this year. So with His grace to be faithful, I will follow Him. Let's go 2011!!

1 comment:

  1. write another post, write another post!
    I'm waiting!
    Loooooove you.
