Sunday, November 14, 2010

Indian Preacher Man

Church was especially good today. An Indian (India, not Native American :) ) native and missionary came and shared about his life and ministry. I love when missionaries come to visit and share. It seriously pumps me up. However, it also makes me feel so discontent. I go through those thoughts of feeling like I'm wasting my time and money when I could be on the mission field. The fact is, I won't have my bachelors degree until May 2013. Yikes! Ahhhh I just itch to leave the country sometimes. Just drop everything and leave. I did it once. And went to Cambodia for three months. I don't regret it. However, I don't foresee myself just dropping everything again and peacing out- at least not until I'm done with school. So, what do I do? Short term trips are practical. I guess I just don't like the feeling of being "tied down" with school. I try to remember Paul, John and Baptist and Jesus in these times because they too went through a long season of preparation. I just hope I'm doing the right thing, by being in school... spending thousands upon thousands of dollars hoping it will bring an open door for a job and ministry in the future. I just love Jesus and want to learn to fully embrace today, and also seize every opportunity given by Him. So, these are my thoughts for today :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your thoughts. He wants to be glorified through you even more than you want to glorify Him. He is and He will be. And your faithfulness in your season of preparation will bring for the MOST BEAUTIFUL life. I love you and can't wait to be friends with you till we're 90.
