Sunday, December 5, 2010

thoughts at the library.

I've been sitting here in this lovely brown leather chair in the library for the past 3 to 4 hours going from homework, to facebook, to short naps, to occasional breaks to the bathroom, and brief conversations about vitamins and what to get our families for Christmas with the modest budgets we live off of. I am tired and just want to go home and sleep, but this week is filled with lots and lots of school work. I am trying to be responsible and get ahead in my work so I'm not overwhelmed this week. But, it's really hard to concentrate. Therefore, I am blogging and updating the world on my life- and by the world I mean, Jocelyn Berry, my one and only official blog follower. Thank you Jocelyn Berry for your dedication to my blog. Anyways, last night I went to a Christmas Ball.

I danced the night away. I wish there was a Christmas Ball every weekend... I feel as if dancing is a stress-reliever for me. Nothing else matters in that moment of techno music, crazy lights, sweaty people, and me flailing my arms around to the beat. Well, my little blog break is over- back to homework I go!

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