Saturday, October 2, 2010


...there's a sweetness when my heart is breaking
...there's a calmness when my soul is aching is a God who can sympathize in my weakness

The heart is a messy thing. It can bring about revelation of complete truth. It can also deceive beyond belief. I have experienced both in full. The heart- what an amazing creation. Through everything my heart feels, thinks, believes, and wants to believe, I must compare it to God's Word. However, that does not mean I always do that. I am human. And recently, I experienced how human I really am- how prone I am to wonder. How easy it is to turn my back on truth. The brokenness I feel is overwhelming at times. And, the grace of God I experience is overwhelming at times. I know I serve a good God. I have experienced His grace and mercy in my life in new ways and for that, I am so thankful. My broken heart, my aching soul, will be healed. It will be restored. I am redeemed.

I wake up every morning and look at myself in the mirror and speak truth. "I am God's daughter", "God is my defense", "I will walk in His grace and mercy today", "The Lord's blessings and goodness are all around me", "I am beautiful and desirable in His sight"... on and on and on. I've become so dependent on God- I've learned to lean on Him and lean on His truth everyday. The way I am describing this sounds wonderful... beautiful... like I am in a season of contentment- for what is better than leaning completely on the Lord? It is wonderful... and beautiful... I am content at times... but honestly, it is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. To trust God when there seems to be no hope in sight- but that's faith. God will do what he has to do to refine and purify His children... to grow in love and faith. To perfect, if you will, the fruits of the Spirit. So through this season of brokenness, hurt, and sometimes darkness- I am sure of one thing. I am a child of God. For He disciplines and teaches His children whom He loves.

Picture by: Cheryl Shibley

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