Wednesday, October 20, 2010

me and my chevy cavalier.

So, I'm used to making long road trips by myself, but today was particularly difficult. 

I just wanted someone in the passenger seat. A little company, you know?

Eight hours alone (and no cruise control) gets wearing. It would be much more delightful with a friend.

I did get to talk to my dear friend, Ashley. But, not for long for fear of my cell phone battery dying.

Also, stopping to get gas and snacks isn't nearly as fun alone. It's actually not fun... I am usually paranoid of being abducted or mugged. (notice the short phone conversation to save battery)

It is nice though sometimes to go on long road trips alone, because it gives me time to think and pray.

I try to pray more than I think. Sometimes, for me, the less thinking the better.  

I sang a lot. And widened my knowledge and variety of country music.  (reference blog forgiveness, joy and country music)

I took a new route, which was kind of exciting. 

I drove through the "Pickle Capital of the World" today (Mount Olive, NC).
I didn't know there was such a place until today- I feel pretty lucky to have seen it with my own eyes.

Again, an event that would have been much more fun with a friend. 

The trees became more and more beautiful as I drove north. It is fall for sure.

I left NC with the air conditioning on and arrived to MD with the heat on. 

It's amazing how tiring sitting in a car for eight hours is. 

Now that I'm home and ate some Chinese take-out with Mom and Dad, I'm gonna watch a movie with Mom. 

Tomorrows agenda: find Mom a dress for Sonny's wedding. 
My brother will be a married man in 17 days!

And my last words for this little blog- Thank you, Jesus. I am so thankful for the one sure thing that brings me peace and hope- Jesus Christ. 

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so much in on your life when i read your blog!
    i love it. our hearts are so similar and how we see life!!!
    love you jess!
