Wednesday, October 6, 2010

peace. life.

My heart has so much peace right now.

The cool air outside... sun brightly shining... a quiet home with a soft song playing in the background... and reflecting.

I have been so blessed.

The Lord has allowed times of complete fullness and bliss. He has also allowed times of complete emptiness and sorrow. He's been there through every moment. Every single second of my entire life. He's never not been there. Nothing comes into my life that is not allowed by Him. He has always been faithful. He will always be faithful. While I sit here and reflect on the good times and bad, I am filled with peace.

I am so. so. so. thankful I serve a good God.
Thank you, Jesus, for your goodness.

So life.
Virginia Beach is my new home.
I live on the ocean. Not just near the ocean... but on the ocean. It's a 2 minute walk away.
I live with two dear friends whom were also my roomies at the Honor Academy.
Regent University is my new school. Only three years til I graduate! [I can't think about it too long...].
I'm the education coordinator for International Justice Mission- Regent. Stop trafficking.
I go to a good church. Multi-cultural. [love that].
My [only] brother is getting married in 27 days. Whoa.
I will have a sister!
I have the greatest Mom and Dad in the world. The older I get the more I appreciate them.
I want to start planning my next out-of-the-country adventure. To take place in summer 2011.
Babysitting and practicum hours in a classroom bring me joy. I love watching little ones learn and grow.
My heart is messy. God is faithful.

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